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2012: Five Social Media Trends

In Trends on June 27, 2011 at 11:05 pm

Can you believe half of the year is already over?!  It gets me thinking about what’s in store for 2012, in the social media realm – for business and society.

In glancing at the first page of Google search results, the following were most consistent across the board.

1. Different interaction with search engines
Relevant content from our personal networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, blog results and user reviews, will be pushed to the front of the search results of Google search, which makes them more personalized. The importance of digital-influencer marketing will increase significantly.

2. Shifting in privacy expectations
We will find it increasingly more acceptable to expose more personal details of different forms of social media. The norm will be to share your likes, dislikes, photo’s, video’s, opinions and other forms of personal information. Personalized experiences that react on the personal information, both corporate and personal, will become more accepting.

3. Decentralization of social networks
Most digital experiences will be able to leverages your available personal information from the social networks and the relationships you’ve established. The concept of a friend network will be a portable experience. An example at this moment is Facebook Connect and Google’s FriendConnect.

4. Content aggregators to the rescue
The amount of content online is growing at an exponential rate. To manage all this influx is challenging. Content aggregators will be the help from above, providing us with bitesize chunks of information, plucking it from all over the Internet. Filtering and managing content will be big business for those who can get it right and offer easy-to-use services.

5. Linking social media to reality
Openly accessible information from the social-media space will be used to enhance everyday experiences. For example: the contacts book in your phone links to Facebook and Twitter to show real-time updates on what the contact is doing before you put in the call and socially enabled CRM will change the way companies manage business relationships forever.

This list will hopefully give you in some way a prospective of the future of social media and how it will affect yourself and/or your company. The bottom line is that share of voice, point of view and community influence will be more important than brand ownership. You will have to embrace the upcoming trends, or you will be left behind.

Full article: Social Media Trends 2012